Variable Arguments

Variable arguments refers to a methodcall where the list of argument is depends on the call, rather than the signature of the method.

Variable arguments are achieved with the variadic operator, or with the func_get_args() functions. Variadic operator covers most of the cases, and func_get_args() covers the remaining edge cases.

Variable arguments may be static or dynamic. It is static when the list of arguments varies from call to call, and are hard-coded. Dynamic argument list depends on variadic operator, or call_user_func_array() functions.


// No arguments in the signature.
function foo() {
     // displays the list of arguments

// static arguments
foo(1, 2);
foo(4, 5, 6);

// dynamic variable arguments
$args = range(5, rand(9, 11)) ;



See also Variable-length argument lists

Related : Functions