
A ClosedGeneratorException is an exception that occurs when the code tries to perform an operation on a generator that has already been closed. Generators iterates over a set of values without needing to create an array to hold all the values in memory at once.

Once a generator is closed, it cannot be used for further iteration. Any attempt to use methods like next(), send(), or throw() on a closed generator throws a ClosedGeneratorException, to indicate that the generator is no longer available for iteration.


// Code example from Ben Peachey (see external links)
// Adapted for presentation purposes

class CustomException extends Exception {}

function from() {
    yield 1;
    throw new CustomException();

function gen($gen) {
    yield from $gen;

$gen = from();
$gens[] = gen($gen);
$gens[] = gen($gen);

foreach ($gens as $g) {
    $g->current(); // init.

foreach ($gens as $i => $g) {
    try {
    } catch (\ClosedGeneratorException $e) {
        print 'Caught ClosedGeneratorException'.PHP_EOL;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        print 'Caught Generic Exception'.PHP_EOL;


See also Explaining the ClosedGeneratorException in PHP, PHP Exception Handling - ClosedGeneratorException